A Christmas present from FAKY, vol. 2!
You can get the posters and magazine covers that are used in the "Afterglow" MV by RTing!



メンバー直筆サイン入りポスター : 2名様
メンバー直筆サイン入り雑誌表紙 : 4名様


①ご自身のTwitterアカウントでFAKYオフィシャルアカウント @FAKYjpをフォローしてください。
②次のTweetをRTしてください。 ⇒

A Christmas present from FAKY, vol.2!
You can get the posters and magazine covers that are used in the "Afterglow" MV by RTing!
The winners will be selected by drawing!

Posters autographed by FAKY members : 2 people
Magazine covers autographed by FAKY members : 4 people

(Drawing term)
12/19(sat)6:00 p.m. ~12/21(mon)11:59 p.m. *Japan Time

(How to apply)
1. Follow FAKY's official Twitter account @FAKYjp by your own account.
2. RT this tweet -->
3. After the drawing, the winners will be followed by FAKY's official account. Please then, answer the questions (regarding your address etc) sent by DM.

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