12/24(土)Bリーグ「サンロッカーズ渋谷 X 滋賀レイクスターズ」戦ハーフタイムショーにFAMM'INが出演!
FAMM'IN will perform at the half time show of the B LEAGUE game "Sun Rockers Shibuya X Shiga Lake Stars" on Dec. 24th!
12/9(金)「SHIBUYA ILLUMINATION 2016 点灯式」に出演!
FAMM'IN will perform at "SHIBUYA ILLUMINATION 2016 lighting ceremony" on Dec. 9th!
Lil' Fangが「UTALABO presents VUENOS X'mas LIVE 2016 supported by Gancia Rose Spumante」に出演!
Lil' Fang will perform at "UTALABO presents VUENOS X'mas LIVE 2016 supported by Gancia Rose Spumante"!
FAKY will perform at "TAKESHIBA MUSIC CRUISE 2016" on Dec. 25th!!
FAKYが11月12日(土)に開催される「TOKKUN SONIC ~32nd BD~」へ出演決定!
FAKY will perform at "TOKKUN SONIC ~32nd BD~" on Nov. 12th(sat)!
FAKYが12/28(水)開催「JSDA presents DANCE NATION TOUR 2016」に出演!
FAKY will perform at “JSDA presents DANCE NATION TOUR 2016” on Dec. 28th!
FAMM'IN has been assigned as the Shibuya performance ambassador!
Akina has appeared in New Balance 110th anniversary project, #MYBETA !
『ドラマのエンディングはひとつじゃない』、FAKY主演のインタラクティブ選択制WEBドラマ「Are You OK?」全エピソード公開!!
"There's more than one ending to the darama" All episodes of the interactive and selective web drama "Are You OK?" have been revealed!!
年間の優れたミュージックビデオを表彰する音楽アワード「MTV VMAJ 2016」、
Our music video "Candy" has been nominated for the Best New Artist Video -Japan- of "MTV VMAJ 2016"!
FAKYが浜崎あゆみ、倖田來未、AAA、Da-iCE、防弾少年団等とともに夏の大型イベント「a-nation stadium fes. 2016 powered by dTV」に出演!
FAKY performed at a big summer music festival "a-nation stadium fes. 2016 powered by dTV" with Ayumi Hamasaki, Kumi Koda, AAA, Da-iCE and BTS etc.!
FAKY主演のインタラクティブ選択制WEBドラマ「Are You OK?」8/30(火)公開!!
An interactive and selective web drama "Are You OK?" will be released on Aug. 30th (tue)!!
FAKY、「SUMMER SONIC 2016」のステージで圧巻のパフォーマンスを披露! そして、YAMATOとともに「Candy (Yamato Remix)」初歌唱も! FAKY performed at "SUMMER SONIC 2016", also "Candy (Yamato Remix)" for the first time with YAMATO!
10/1(土)「e-radio 20th Anniversary SHIGA NOW」への出演が決定!
FAKY will perform at "e-radio 20th Anniversary SHIGA NOW" on Oct. 1st!
FAKYの代表曲「Candy」を世界で活躍するDJ/Producer 「YAMATO」が大胆Remix! 「Candy (Yamato Remix)」、定額制音楽配信サービス(サブスクリプション)限定で8/10(水)より全世界配信スタート!
FAKY’s “Candy” has been remixed by “YAMATO”, who is a DJ/Producer and works around the world!
“Candy (Yamato Remix)” will be available internationally on streaming services from Aug. 10th!
FAMM'INが8/8(月)『Campus Summit 2016 -DREAM PROJECT- Powered by MiRu × FRESH! by AbemaTV × modelpress』に出演!
FAMM'IN will perform at "Campus Summit 2016 -DREAM PROJECT- Powered by MiRu × FRESH! by AbemaTV × modelpress" on Aug. 8th!
再々追加会場発表(9/18)!『FAKY×TOWER RECORDS "CANDY" Mini Tour』開催決定!!
Including one more additional venue (Sep. 18th)! FAKY is collaborating with TOWER RECORDS for "FAKY×TOWER RECORDS "CANDY" Mini Tour" !
Mikakoが今秋公開映画『L -エル-』に出演!
Mikako will appear in the movie "L -エル-" released this Autumn!
FAMM'IN performed their new song "Animus" at the big LED stage produced by AVC!
FAKYが8/28(日)『a-nation stadium fes. powered by dTV』オープニングアクトに出演決定!!
FAKY will perform at "a-nation stadium fes. powered by dTV" as the opening act!
FAMM'INが福岡のミュージックフェス「MOMOCHIHAMA “BEAT JACK” in Fukuoka」に出演!! 全出演者決定!!&タイムテーブル発表!!
FAMM'IN will perform at "MOMOCHIHAMA “BEAT JACK” in Fukuoka"!! All acts and the timetable are revealed!!
5月にリリースしたDigital E.P.『CANDY』がイベント会場限定販売でパッケージ化!
FAKY will release a CD package edition of "CANDY" which will only be sold at events FAKY appear in!
FAKYが7/10(土)にFlowBack主催イベント「SHOUT IT!!!~Summer Edition~」に出演!!
FAKY will perform at "SHOUT IT!!!~Summer Edition~" hosted by FlowBack on JULY. 10th!!
FAKY will perform at "SUMMER SONIC 2016" BEACH STAGE!!
「OSAKA NOW」~大阪・RUIDO 8周年スペシャル!!~ supported by FM OSAKA 「遠藤淳のYou've Got a Radio!」に出演決定!!
FAKY will perform at 「OSAKA NOW」~大阪・RUIDO 8周年スペシャル!!~ supported by FM OSAKA 「遠藤淳のYou've Got a Radio!」!!
FAKYがBABY-Gのウェブマガジン『Girl's Party』に登場!
FAKY appears on BABY G's web magazine "Girl's Party"!
本日よりLINE MUSICでFAKYが選ぶプレイリストが公開中!
Now you can enjoy two playlists selected by FAKY on LINE MUSIC!
FAKY新体制初Digital E.P.『CANDY』がiTunes J-POP トップアルバム1位を獲得!!
"CANDY" reached #1 on the J-POP iTunes chart!
FAMM'IN showed their "unity" stage at "FAMM'IN TYO #0"!!
FAMM'IN「circle (Radical Hardcore Remix)」のビデオを公開!
FAMM'IN "circle (Radical Hardcore Remix)" video has been released!