Digital E.P.『CANDY』iTunesプレオーダーキャンペーン特設サイトオープン!
Digital E.P. “CANDY” iTunes pre-order’s special website has just opened!

Digital E.P. 『CANDY』iTunesプレオーダーキャンペーン特設サイトを開設致しました!!


※Digital E.P.『CANDY』がご自身の端末にダウンロードされる際に特典として付与されるデジタルブックレットをご確認ください。


1. FAKYのメンバーから直筆のメッセージカードをお送りします! ※6月下旬発送予定
2. 後に発売予定のFAKYのCDパッケージに、お客様のお名前をクレジット(アルファベット表記)致します! ※CDパッケージの発売時期は現状未定です。

※メッセージカードのご送付は郵便及び国際郵便(AIR MAIL)を予定しております。郵送時の配送過程によるメッセージカードの未着に関しては、弊社では責任を負いかねますので予めご了承ください。

エイベックス・ミュージック・クリエイティヴ株式会社 0570-064-414 (平日11:00~18:00)

Digital E.P. 『CANDY』iTunes pre-order’s special website has just opened!
Apply for the campaign and get the giveaways!

■Special Website
※Access this special website and enter the passcode that is on the last page of your digital booklet. 
After that, enter your personal data on the website form.

■Registration Period
May 24th (sat) A.M. 0:00 - May 30th (mon)P.M.11:59 of 2016 *JST

1. FAKY will send you a handwritten message card! *It will be sent at the end of June.
2. Your name will be credited on FAKY's CD package that will be released in the close future. *The date of release is TBA.

■Important instructions
*Your personal information will stay confidential other than this campaign and other related paperwork. Please read our privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information and to answer any other questions about this matter. Also, after the event, your personal information will be deleted.
*After you apply for this campaign, you cannot change or cancel your registration. 
*After you apply for this campaign, you cannot check or change your personal data.
*The message card from FAKY will be sent by postal mail or air mail. You can't file a claim for lost, stolen or damaged packages.
*Please enter your personal data in either Japanese or languages using English alphabets. If you enter your personal data with any other languages, we cannot send you the card.
*This campaign might be changed or cannceled by certain circumstances. In those cases, we cannot refund your money for your purchase of the digital E.P.  
*The internet connection fee for applying for this campaign will be on your expenses.
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