【一部詳細発表】FAKY「Major Debut Mini Album (仮)」発売を記念して、リリースイベント第1弾開催決定!!
【Some venues has been fixed!!】FAKY has release events for major debut e.p.!!
[The contents are revealed] FAKY's new EP "Unwrapped" will be released in June!!
FAKY will perform at an Entertainment Dance Contest "D-SHOCK"!
TAKESHIBA MUSIC CRUISE 2017 5/6(土)公演にFAKYが出演決定!!
FAKY will perform at "TAKESHIBA MUSIC CRUISE 2017" on May. 6th!!
FAKY application has been renewed and become to support Japanese and English!
本日から「Surrender」MVが各種配信サイトで配信スタート! "Surrender" MV is also available on iTunes from today!
本日よりDigital Single『Surrender』配信スタート!
Digital Single "Surrender" is now available!
「POPSPRING 2017」出演決定!!
FAKY will perform at "POPSPRING 2017"!!
[Tickets are available now!]FAKY will perform at "LIGHTEN" on Mar. 12th!!
A brand new song "Surrender" MV is released!!
2/25(土)Bリーグ「サンロッカーズ渋谷 X 京都ハンナリーズ」戦ハーフタイムショーにFAKY/FEMM/Yup'inからなるガールズユニティー「FAMM'IN」で出演!
FAMM'IN, a joined project of FAKY, FEMM and Yup'in, will perform at the half time show of the B LEAGUE game "Sun Rockers Shibuya X Kyoto Hannaryz" on Feb. 25th!
FAKYの新曲「Someday We'll Know」がエアアジアCMソングに決定!
FAKY's new song "Someday We'll Know" is chosen as Air Asia’s CM song!
FAKY will perform at "a★Star2017" on Mar. 5th!
2/18(土)開催「UTALABO presents WARBANG[ワーバン]」に出演決定!
FAKY will perform at "UTALABO presents WARBANG[ワーバン]" on Feb. 18th!
FAKYが「OSAKA SWISH 2017」に出演決定!
FAKY will perform at "OSAKA SWISH 2017"!
FAKY will perform at "SAPPORO SWISH 2017"!
2/26(日)に開催される「FRESH GROOVE」への出演が決定!
FAKY will perform at "FRESH GROOVE" on Feb. 26th!
Lil' Fang (FAKY)とYup'inがLAから来た期待の新世代ミューズ"LIZ"、"Radical Hardcore Clique"そして"Onitsuka Tiger"とコラボレーションしたオリジナルソング&スペシャルムービーがVOGUEにて公開!
Lil' Fang and Yup'in collaborated with "LIZ" and "Radical Hardcore Clique" to write a song for "Onitsuka Tiger" and "VOGUE"!